HARTUNG wheels – high-quality wheel discs of Russian origin

HARTUNG wheels – high-quality wheel discs of Russian origin HARTUNG wheels – high-quality wheel discs of Russian origin

HARTUNG wheels are manufactured since 2006 at Chelyabinsk Forge-and-Press Plant, which is among largest Russian wheel manufacturers.

For such a long period HARTUNG company gained a lot of experience, which it successfully puts into practice, meeting clients’ needs for already 17 years.

All HARTUNG disks have Certificates of origin CT-1 and Certificate by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on confirmation of production within the territory of the Russian Federation according to Decree of the Russian Government № 719 dated July,17th 2015.

Production of HARTUNG wheels is certified with ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, which guarantees the best quality of the goods under HARTUNG trademark.